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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


That was tonight's final score in my softball game. We won. You know it's bad when you are cheering on the other team to get your team out.

In other sports news, the Gators open their football season this Saturday against Southern Mississippi. Holly and I practiced Gator chants and cheers on the way home from school. We're all set.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday Six

Kelly from Missing JT Snow was running late this week and almost forgot the Sunday Six. As a result, this week's questions surround the topic of forgetting and being late. Without further adieu, I present Holly's answers.

1. What does it mean to forget?
Forgetting something

2. What does it mean to be late?
Being late means you are not on time.

3. Why do people forget things?
Because they sometimes leave without their stuff

4. Why are people late sometimes?
Because I don't like to get up (Ain't that the truth!)

5. Who is usually late, Mommy or Daddy?
Mom (I beg to differ.)

6. Did you forget something?
No...Dad always forgets his phone.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Monty Hall Would Be Proud

When I was a kid, I remember watching "Let's Make a Deal". It was fascinating to me to watch good old greed in action. People would trade in their $500 which had just been revealed in an envelope for the promise of riches lurking just behind the giant box of Rice-A-Roni. It was riveting to watch their dreams dashed when all their $500 had bought was a goat or a giant rocking chair.

The thing I never understood was the apparent excitement displayed by the contestants when their selected door revealed some mundane kitchen appliance. The audience would ooooh and aaaaaah at the sight of a harvest gold Amana range. At the time, I remember thinking I'd rather have the goat.

Times have changed. I'm all grown up and in the market for appliances. Good gosh...I'm actually excited about buying kitchen appliances. Tomorrow we will be taking advantage of Sears' one day appliance sale. I'm not "giddy with excitement" excited but it is something I'm looking forward to. The one thing I've sure of at this point...there will be no harvest gold appliances anywhere near my kitchen.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Isn't It Ironic...Don't You Think

Holly is on a half-day schedule for her first two weeks at school. After school today, I took Holly to Fat City. Fat City is a gigantic, cavernous indoor amusement park.

Holly had eaten lunch at school but I was famished. As Holly bowled, I went to order some food. Nothing really struck my fancy so I opted for some pretzels from the vending machine. In perusing the kids' menu, I noticed they only offered Chicken Fingers, Corn Dogs, Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese and Hamburgers (double meat, double cheese for only $1.25 more). All of these entrees were served up with fries.

I think I know why they call it Fat City.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Safety Warnings Gone Wild

Um, yeah....but isn't that what it is supposed to do?

Monday, August 21, 2006

And So It Starts....

The first day of Kindergarten, that is. Holly thoroughly enjoyed her first day of school. I hope this continues for years to come.
This is a picture of Holly running roughshod over the whole school supply process. Apparently she was telling everyone what to do this morning. This could be a long year for her teachers and classmates. Yikes!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday Six

Kelly from Missing JT Snow went with the school theme this week. Here are Holly's answers. It is hard to believe that she is starting Kindergarten tomorrow (Holly, not Kelly).

1. What are school supplies?
School supplies are folders, backpacks, construction paper and pencils.
2. Who usually buys the school supplies?
3. What do you carry your supplies in?
Your backpack
4. Do you take your lunch to school?
5. What is your favorite school book?
Monster Manor...I told you that last time
6. Do you have a backpack? Is so, what does it look like?
Yes. Gator backpack from Aunt Kristy

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Idiotic People Should Not Have Children

Last night was just a nightmare. Pop some popcorn and grab a beer then settle in for my tale of woe.

I went to go workout in the apartment complex fitness center. It is pretty nice with a good selection of cardio, circuit training and free-weight areas. It was pretty late but it seems to work out for me. I arrive at the center to find four kids playing on the equipment. These kids range in age from seven to 14/15. Even though there is a posted rule about no one under 16 being in the place without an adult, I put in my headphones and try to ignore the kids.

This was impossible. The youngest boy was on the treadmill next to me trying to break a land speed record. A nine year old girl was running on another treadmill, jumping off and then jumping back on in order to be thrown off at the highest velocity. Did I mention she was in Crocs? Besides the obvious injury potential, it was also very annoying. Another young boy (probably eight), was hanging from the lateral pull-down circuit machine. The oldest boy, 14 or 15 years old, was running on a treadmill. I can't recommend his form but he really wasn't bothering me.

The oldest kid and one of the little boys left after 20 minutes. I kept telling myself to just keep working out and ignore the other two. I tried my best until the youngest kid, who had now bopped around on every piece of equipment returned to the treadmill. He was once again going at a high rate of speed when he lost his balance and was thrown off nearly cracking his head open. That was the last straw. I turned to both of the remaining kids and asked where their parents were. The girl responded that they were on the other side of the pool. I told them that they were not allowed to be in the room without their parents. The girl asked where it said that. I pointed to the sign on the wall. Additionally, I told them that the equipment was not meant to a playground. They left without any further resistance.

I proceeded with my workout noticing that the kids were all outside running around the pool. They were now engaged in some sort of pool noodle fight. It was 11:15pm and the pool had closed at 10:00pm. The activity stopped and I noticed the youngest boy and a man looking at me through the window. It was a little freaky so I called Randy. I just wanted to let him know about the situation and tell him that I would call him for my walk home in ten minutes.

I called Randy back when I was getting ready to leave in a couple of minutes. As I was on the phone, the man used his access card to let the boy into the fitness center. The boy proceeded to get on the treadmill next to me and start punching any button he could find. I inadvertently hung up on Randy and said "That's it, where is your father?" The kid pointed outside. I asked him to accompany me. I walked with the kid towards the other side of the pool where a group of adults were drinking. I said "Who does this child belong to?" The man I had seen before approached saying it was his son. I proceeded to tell him that his children had been disruptive, disrespectful of the equipment and very likely to get hurt. I told him that the complex does not allow children under 16 in the fitness center without an adult. The man told me that I seemed to have a problem other than his kids. He also said that he seriously doubted that his kids could hurt the equipment. I outlined the numerous ways his children were hurting the equipment and themselves.

Randy, being concerned about me, came walking in the pool area. I told Randy everything was okay. The man was walking off. I went back to the fitness center to get the rest of my stuff. It was at that point that I noticed they had left the place a mess. There was a half eaten chocolate donut in the water fountain. Who the heck raises their kids like this?

This morning I went to the office to complain. The complex manager seemed very concerned. He had actually gone to the pool area at 11:30pm to lock up after a party in the clubhouse. He said that there was no one in the pool area or fitness center. I must have just missed him. He did say that he cleaned up the mess in the fitness center. He said he would be able to determine who's card had been used to access the center. I told him between 10:30pm and 11:30pm, it was only me and the kids' father.

How these people made it this far with four kids is beyond me. What a dolt!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Color My World

Today brought yet another trip to the interior design showroom to pick out flooring, countertops and backsplashes. After our previous trip, I felt very unsure as to our selections. Today was much different. I am very comfortable with everything. We changed a few things that had been bugging me. I am at peace with my choices. Here they are. Please accept my sincere apologies for the lousy pictures. They were taken with a camera phone in less than suitable lighting against a gold carpet.

Everything appears much more gold or yellow than in real life. You'll have to take my word for it.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Only Five Shopping Days Left...

...until Holly heads to Kindergarten. I really need to get her school supplies. Ideally, I'd have them ready to go by the open house on Friday. I guess I need to find the list. I packed it someplace convenient for the move but I've conveniently forgotten where that was.

I feel like everyone else has meticulously prepared for this day except me. I swear I'll be so much more organized in the new house. Yeah, right!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Only 19 Shopping Days Left...

...until the Gators first football game of the season. The excitement is palpable around here. At least it is in my little corner of the world. Plus, it is the 100 year anniversary of Florida Gator football. I think this calls for a national title, don't you?

As always....It's GREAT, to BE, a FLORIDA GATOR!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Joining the Sunday Six

Kelly from Missing JT Snow posts a list of questions to ask your kids. Holly, ever the creative one, loves to provide her input. Without further adieu, I present Holly's Sunday Six.

1. What is college?
A university

2. What are the names of some colleges?
Florida Gators, University of Denver, University of Illinois

3. Is a college the same thing as a university?

4. What is a major?
I don't know

5. What do people do in college?

6. Do you want to go to college and if so, where?
Yes. I want to go to the University of Denver. (Originally she told me she can still go to Primrose when she's older. I was chuckling and she asked me to change it.)

I'm a bit sad that she isn't choosing to follow in my footsteps at Florida. I'll get over it.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Summer Allergies

One of the wonderful side benefits of apartment living is the pool. Holly loves to go to the pool. As we were swimming away the stress of the day yesterday, Holly accidentally got some water up her nose. She proceeded to let out a big sneeze. Another little girl asked her if she had a cold. Holly's response was "No, I'm just allergic to getting water in my nose."

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

How Do You Like Your Spam Cooked?

Out of morbid curiousity, I decided to open the crypt that is my "Blocked Messages" folder. So far today, I have 75 new blocked messages. I really want to know who responds to this garbage?

Besides the sheer entertainment value of peering into this treasure trove of trash, I see no useful purpose. One hundred years from now, I can just imagine some Urban Archeologist trying to define me by looking through my online trash can. They would think I was a single overweight person desperately needing to refinance my mortgage who was looking to enhance my sexual experiences through medication while getting my diploma in two weeks after getting a great deal on a new satellite dish.

Spam Subject O' the Day: "Take just a candy and become ready for 36 hours of love"

Spam Sender O' the Day: Peeter Monger

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We Are the Champions!

Woo Hoo! The Colossal Carpet Care Coed Softball Team wrapped up its fourth consecutive championship last night. In recognition of our outstanding efforts, we were rewarded with sweatshirts. Since I've never worn the other three, I gave mine away to one of our substitutes.

The one oddity of last night is that I was the fastest woman on the team. This is very, very unusual as speed is not one of my strengths. So, if I'm the fastest woman it means there are some issues in the dugout. Let's review: One woman is 3+ months pregnant, one is slowly coming back from injury, one is suffering from leg cramps and one has her legged wrapped. While I claimed the honor last night, I'm still not sure I could outrun our pregnant outfielder.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Powerball Blues

This will come as a surprise but we didn't win the Powerball. I usually don't play but $204 million was too much of a draw. Imagine the possibilities for the new house if we had won. It was exciting for about a nanosecond as I scanned my numbers. The first number is two. I have a two! The second number is three. My next number is three! This is where the excitement ends. Oh well, I'll play again when it hits over $200 million. It's only $15 million now and that just isn't enough to incent me to play.

What stucco color would you choose? Our current favorites are Meadowlark, Bark Mulch and Mesa Tan. Holly acts as our stucco spokesmodel presenting samples of Meadowlark and Bark Mulch. The green will be our trim.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Finishing Touches

Things are still progressing on our new home project, Girlyland. Several weeks ago, we picked out flooring, countertops and bathroom tiling. The cost estimate is in. If we go with all our favorites, we will only be......$16,500 over budget. Egads! We are trying to figure out what things to cut. I think my best option would be to win the $178 million Powerball this weekend.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Why I Love My Husband

It's because he sends me pictures like this totally unprompted.

People can ooooh and aaaaah over flowers and jewels but I'll take camera phone pictures any day. Think about it....he saw this ordinary, everyday object and immediately thought of me. A more perfect match for me cannot be found.