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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It Looks Just Like Mii

We continue to have fun with the Wii. We really enjoy playing the games as a family. We had a tennis challenge yesterday. Randy proved to be the better tennis player but Holly gave him a run for his money.

One of the features of the system is that you can create your own Mii's. These are the characters that represent you in the games. Without further adieu, I present our Miis.

This is Holly.

Randy is the Mii with his hand raised.

Finally, my Mii sporting a lovely tan dress. I've always liked how I look in tan and brown tones.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Cell Phoniness

I'm not one of those people constantly dogging the use of cell phones. Heck, I've been known to carry on a conversation while driving (always with the use of my handy-dandy Bluetooth headset). It is when people become downright rude in their use that chaps my hide.

Today, as I was standing in line at a Japanese carryout place, the man in front of me continued to talk on the phone as he placed his order. He never even missed a beat. I felt bad for the person behind the counter. There was no verbal interaction at all between the two of them. The guy ordering would point at what he wanted, the cashier rang it up and then the guy presented his credit card. He continued to yammer away all the way out the door with his bag of food.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Kitchen Utensils

Randy and I take a lot of grief for our lack of culinary knowledge. This may well be justified. Take note that we still know our way around the kitchen.

Isn't the purpose of a rolling pin to flatten out fabric placemats after they've been laundered?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wii Are Having Fun

For as much as I love pinball, I've never been big on video games. I do admit a weakness for the circa-1975 Sea Wolf in the basement. There was also my ColecoVision game system that got a lot of use. I just haven't been all that enamored of the Playstation/XBox systems.

During our recent vacation, we had the opportunity to play on a Wii system. What a hoot. I love the interactive nature of the control. My dear friend Andy was able to secure a Wii for us that I actually carried on the plane last week. We spent quite a bit of time over the weekend playing the "Rayman, Raving Rabbids". Holly's favorite mode is "Bunnies Are Fantastic Dancers". Words cannot adequately describe the insanity of this game. I will have to capture it on video.

I highly recommend the Wii system and "Rayman, Raving Rabbids". However, I cannot say the same for "Super Monkey Ball". It has been a real letdown.

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Shell Shop

Funny cruise story:

Holly collected quite a few shells and shell fragments from the beach in Mazatlan. On the last sea day of the cruise, Holly and I cleaned all the shells. Later that evening, Holly announced the opening of "The Shell Shop". She meticulously arranged all of the shells and shell fragments.

At 11:00pm, I told Holly to put away the shells because she had to go to bed. (Yeah, I know it was late but we were packing.) She complied with the request. Once we were all squared away in our respective beds for the evening, Holly announced that we shouldn't be alarmed if we heard her get up. She planned on opening "The Shell Shop" very early the next morning. Randy inquired about the opening time. She replied "around 1:00am".

Needless to say, "The Shell Shop" didn't open at all the next day. We were too busy getting off of the ship and spending 12 hours at Disneyland.

I did make an inquiry about "The Shell Shop" upon our return to Denver. I asked Holly if it should be called "The Shell Shop" if we were not allowed to purchase any of the shells. It really seemed to be more of an exhibition. "The Shell Shop" has now been renamed "Sea Adventure". I'll have to get back to you on the exact hours later.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Headphones for Stereotypes

I really am the stereotypical WOHM. Today was Holly's Kindergarten Culmination. I noticed a sign-up sheet outside the door to bring snacks for the after-party. Being in a constant state of rushed frenzy lately (Did I mention that I just returned from vacation?) I stopped and picked up pastries on my way to the school. Upon my arrival in the classroom, I immediately noticed the aquatic theme of the party. Everyone knew that was the theme of the culmination, right?

The crafty SAHM moms had the most creative treats ever. Don't get me wrong. I love each and every other parent in the class. They are an amazing group of men and women. We are extremely lucky to have such talented class moms. Among the creations:
1. Pretzel-stick fishing poles with red licorice fishing line
2. A giant clamshell bowl with blue jello and swedish fish
3. Baked-from-scratch sugar cookies cut into fish shapes topped with very tropical frosting
4. Cupcakes with fish fins crafted from gummies of some sort
5. Sushi

And then there were my cookies from Einsteins Bagels. They were huge so I cut them into quarters. I proclaimed them to be shaped like fan coral. In an attempt to make me feel better, someone commented "but they really taste good".

Overall, the culmination was a huge success. I guess this means my daughter has officially graduated.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm Such a Bad Blogger

At least I have an excuse....I've been on vacation. Well, first I had to plan the vacation. Then I had to implement the vacation. In addition to my full-time job, it was all I could handle.

The vacation was a huge success. Randy pretty much lets me have free reign on the itinerary. I did get some input from Holly. I gave her the choice of a week at Disney World or a 7-day cruise. She chose the big ship. She is absolutely addicted to cruising, something she gets from her mother.

As an added bonus, we started the trip with a day at Legoland and ended the trip with a day at Disneyland. I could start with a mundane travelogue but I think it's more fun to recall random moments.

Random Moment #1: "The Five" It still cracks me up that Californians refer to their Interstates as "The Insert Interstate Number Here". Upon our return to Denver, we took "The 70" to get home.

Random Moment #2: I love In N' Out Burgers. I really wish they had them in Denver.

Random Moment #3: I have a great idea for a t-shirt to sell in Mexico. In big bold letters, print "I DON'T WANT TO BUY ANYTHING! PLEASE DON'T ASK". Of course, this will need to be in Spanish. As we sat in the safety of the roped off beach area in Cabo, we were asked by no less than 50 vendors if we wanted to buy ceramics, silver, blankets, wraps, shirts, and other assorted items. Randy dubbed it "The Cabo Shopping Network".

I'll have more Random Moments later.