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Thursday, March 08, 2007

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

"Raindrops on roses and doing the laundry."

Last night, we were playing Whoonu. If you aren't familiar with Whoonu, it is a game where one person is designated the Whoozit. Each of the other players is dealt four cards. The cards contain various things/activities such as "zoos", "blowing bubbles" and "discussing politics". The players then put two of their cards in a envelope for the Whoozit. These cards should be favorite things/activities of the Whoozit. The Whoozit then ranks the cards from least favorite to most favorite. The higher the ranking of the card, the more points the player earns.

During one round where I was the Whoozit, Holly gave me a card that read "doing the laundry". Needless to say, that particular card garnered a least favorite for the round. I think Holly was honestly surprised. I mean, if I didn't like doing the laundry, why on earth would I insist on doing it every Sunday.


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

I've never heard of this game but will have to look for it now!

I was so proud of myself on Monday. I actually had an empty washer and dryer! I usually manage to get the loads done, but somehow I get stuck and something is always "waiting around" in one of the two! Waiting to be dried, waiting to be folded!


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