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Monday, March 19, 2007

It's A Major Award

In an effort to continue with decorating the house, I decided to hang Holly's framed artwork in her room. She was quite pleased with the result. Later that evening, Holly created a contest. She asked Randy and me to guess which piece of artwork was her favorite. Randy guessed the unicorn while I chose the vulture. I will admit to having a bit of inside information as I had heard Holly state her preference while the decorating project was underway.

Given how often a six-year-old can change their mind, I could not be assured that this was still the correct answer. Holly ventured back into her room for about a half hour. Upon her return to the family room, she announced the results.

I WON!!!!!!

I was overwhelmed by the enormity of my trophy. It was a monumental creation.

There are just too many people to thank. Mainly, I'd like to thank my wonderful husband and daughter who made it all possible.


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Aw, congratulations! That is quite an impressive trophy! :) Holly is too darn cute.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Veronica Burchard said...

Don't forget all the little people. ;)

Holly is very creative. I love it.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Gators_Rule said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA....I should always thank all the LP!


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